Life Changing Process

For God to know
For me to walk through
For you to read

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where It All Begins

Here am I.

University Malaysia Sarawak!

Finally I get myself get connected again. The wi-fi at my hostel (which is called college in Unimas) is really bad. I can't get to go online often now.

My first day in Unimas was really not as I expected. I thought that everything will be arranged properly as long I follow the procedure. I WAS WRONG. I need to do everything myself! In a way or another I must say, may be I just took things for granted. Thank God for my wonderful brother. Colin Tan for providing me guidance and providing transport to bring me around the campus to do my stuff.

Yup! That's my room. It looked better after all the cleaning up. Especially the bed and the pillow are extremely dirty! However, the main thing I like about this room is because I'm staying alone!
It's a double room but there's no roommate for me and I hope that I will not have one to. I just want a room for myself. Lousy wi-fi is the thing that I really don't like.
Anyway, it's good so that I can concentrate while studying.

After I went through a full day of registrations, next challenging things I faced and I'm still facing now is arrange my subjects schedule. Arranging schedule is really not a easy-peasy thing for a sanguine person like me. What made it worst is because I need to get the schedule for different subjects with the respective lecturers. (Lab sessions only)

Lastly, I thank God that I manage to know few friends here which I knew that when I was back in National Service. They manage to put in a lil help to make my life easier. Thank God for sending me to National Service. Now I manage to see why God arranged me to National Service. It's really amazing and these few of them will be one of my mission fields here. I'm not sure what I'm able to do but at least I know HE is able.

OH YA! My first night in Unimas, I manage to join Wayne's LG. Even though I had a little difficulty in understanding because their chinese are too chim-nology.
Thank God it was a fruit time for me =)


The Next Day


Good morning!

Spent my first night there. No mosquitoes. No noise. Of course, no "ghost" for God is with me.
Going for my first lecture!
So excited!

That's my route to my faculty everyday. It's about 10 minutes walk. Thank God for the nice weather. I was really windy and cool. So nice!

As I was saying, I was really excited for my first lecture because it's a another official act of becoming uni-student.

Guess what.




Here comes, I manage to meet with Mei Phing's bro!

When we looked at each other, it was like some how we knew it each other. He made the approach first and here's how it went.

Huan Hui: Hi, you are Aaron right?
Me: You are Mei Phing's bro right?
Huan Hui: Ya.
Me: How you know I'm Aaron le?
Huan Hui: Facebook.
Me: Wow, ok.... That's the power of facebook. Scary.


Me:You didn't ask me why I know you are Mei Phing's bro?
Huan Hui: Er.. How you know le?
Me: You and your other 3 sisters' eyes looks alike.
Huan Hui: Oh wow, ok... Our eyes.


That was how our friendship started.

I need to go. ERG! My faculty "student lounge" closing.

I'm still in a mess with my schedule.

My next post will be about this interesting "student lounge" for my faculty.

Back to college =)



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Road to Unimas

HTC Smart! =D *wink*

Today will be my last day in British Council!
Honestly, I'm so SO glad that I don't have to work anymore for the time being. The pay may be quite high, after a while just don't really like the routine work every day. Nevertheless, I really had a great experience in there, thanks to Gabriel for giving me this opportunity to earn me cold hard cash for me to get myself a nice Dell lappie and air tickets for my holiday trip in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Youth Camp 2010. God really provide me a lot through all these while =D Praise the Lord!
Tomorrow will be my big day of my new chapter of life!
Really excited about it!

My preparation for Unimas wasn't that exciting though. It's all about waiting, waiting and waiting. Efficient service? I guess not but Bank Islam did impress me though. It's really fast.

For BSN, headache. 14 counters and only 2 or 3 of them were functioning. I waited for almost 1 hour just to buy a 6 digits pin and it was only about 5-6 people ahead of me. Great.

On the same day I went to create my bank account and getting ptptn pin, I went to KPJ Kuching Specialist to do my body check up. First time in my life i had my chest x-rayed.

As for now, I've just finish packing my bags and stuff. I'm ready for tomorrow lu!

A lot kah?







Thursday, July 22, 2010


Short updates before I get busy and settle myself in a new environment.

My appeal is approved!
God gave me the peace and God fulfilled it!
Though with my own strength I doubt but God never fail to encourage me again and again and WA-LA!
I got it!

On the day when I was waiting for my result, Ps. Denis, Kia Sing and I went to Pizza Hut for our brunch.
As we fellowship and look back, Pastor said this :

" God brought man through a certain event, so that can be a defining moments of life that sets who I am in the future. "

I really believe God delay my time to further studies was to really open my eyes, learn, repent and commit my life onto God. I'm still under construction and really need the grace of God to renovate me.

Greater days with the Lord are ahead and I'm really excited about it.
All the best for my next chapter of life!

Starting next Wednesday!



Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My first Gillette

I do not know why I really don't like to shave even though I never shave before. Usually I just cut it.
Since I'm going to do my IC and my first passport. Just decided to shave.

It look better now! XD

Going off with Kia Sing for Laksa lu.
Meeting Pastor Denis for lunch later before I go back to work.
It gonna be an inspiration moment with Pastor!



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm Counting On God

This song is playing in play laptop for the whole day and I'm not sick of it.
When I first knew this song, I didn't really like it but I believe this what I should sing each and every day.

Beginning of the day, I was actually kinda disappointed when just suddenly friends just look for me in facebook or msn to ask me about whether I'm able to go into Unimas or not because it seems like I can't get into it.
Thank God, He's always there to encourage me.

Wherever I'm going, whatever I do, He arranged it properly ahead of me. If I can get into Unimas, PRAISE GOD!
If can't...
Which means God arranged greater things ahead of me but for now on, I want to believe Him that He will provide!
I don't have to be clear to where I'm going at this point, just have to believe God and let Him guide me!

Yet, I'm reminded again. Wayne once told me. Words are powerful and are meant to create! With boldness I must say that I can go to UNIMAS!

Here's the song. Enjoy!



Phil 4:13

Monday, July 19, 2010


Pa-tient (pey-shuhnt)

bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship,pain,
etc., with fortitude and calm and without complaint,anger, or the like.

characterized by or expressing such a quality: a patientsmile.
quietly and steadily persevering or diligent, esp. in detail orexactness: a patient worker.

undergoing the action of another ( opposed to agent).


it says "without complaint" and "quietly and steadily persevering".

You got a long way to go.
Fix your eyes on the Lord!



Friday, July 16, 2010


My dad blessed me with a 1G memory card for my phone =D

My Corel doesn't like me.
Everytime I got project to do, it must "rebel" against me for few times before I could actually use it.
Need to reformat my laptop and reinstall.

Nevermind. Thank God it still work after I smartly use other way to make it function. XD

Hmm.. Still thinking should I donate blood tomorrow.



Thursday, July 15, 2010

My First Product

This my first Photoshop product.
Just simple ones but I believe it's a good start!
My watermark will be (YUAN).




When God Made You

Gonna sing this to my wife next time XD

True LOVE Waits



Amazingly Amazed

Open yourself before you want others to open themselves to you.

Firstly, I really wanna thank God to slowly help me to overcome of my selfishness, doing what's I'm feeling good.
I have to admit, when I got chance to drive out. Going out with my sheep is never the first thought in my mind.
I believe God is helping me to change my heart because as I went out with my sheep last night, I was so filled so much with the JOY of the Lord compared to the time I went out with friends or "girlfriend".
This joy is indescribable.

I really had a great time with my sheep, opening up myself and letting him be himself.
We had a really fruitful time.

The most amazing thing I experience a close hand-in-hand working with the Holy Spirit. I'm sure what I've said was not from me. Another thing which amazed me again is I really thank God for bringing me through so much for past few months, I was a hurtful and eventful months for me and yet, God has a purpose for it!
I could actually know what's he's going through and with the help of Holy Spirit, I could help him!

Praise the LORD!


I had been in church for quite sometimes, I shepherd people, I shared with people yet most of them I couldn't really find joy when I'm doing it.



I didn't let God handle my heart, I'm just doing it out of duty most of the time. I don't really care for them. Just do what I'm suppose to do.

1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
God knew my heart. I still thank God for His grace and mercy of bringing me through and annoying.

It's never too late to change!

A famous verse that were taught by my shepherd when I was in secondary but I just took lightly of it.
Now this is one of the verses that I hold on so dearly.

Jer 29:11-13

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

God never give up on me all these while.
Still in the process of getting myself back, I know I'm on the right track.
God's grace and mercy is really wonderful.

Thank You Jesus!



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Slimming Process: NEGATIVE!


I have not exercise for such a long time!

I miss basketball

Can't wait to go into my uni life.

I wanna go gym!
I wanna play basketball!

Must slim down 10 kg!



Beautiful Art of God

As I was reading through my friend's blog.
Wow! My jaw dropped!
Praise the Lord!

God changed him and he grew so much in the Lord!


I couldn't remember when is the actual date but I remember the event.
It was Hope Ester Celebration at MBKS auditorium.
I invited him to come over to join the ester celebration and he accepted Christ!
I'm not really sure of what God is speaking to him, what God had been doing in his life and what was in his time that time.
I must say, I didn't follow up on him well and didn't show a good example as a Christian in my secondary life.


Thank God, God's grace is sufficient for me =)

He didn't continue to join the church.

We lost touch after form 5, we went on with our life.


Now, God has somehow changed him!
I'm so so encourage by him.

Jer 29:11

God has a plan for everyone! I really thank God that that this brother grew in the Lord and I believe he will continue to grow. I'm praying for you brother! We are in the same family when we are in Christ =)

Really pray that you would shine the name of Jesus in TAR.


God is just so amazing. Doing things that normal human brain couldn't contain it.
God just make things beautiful at His timing as long we seek His will.

Eph 3:5-6



You and You Alone

It's good to bath and sing praises onto God =)

I will worship you, to no other gods
but You alone.

This song just came into my heart this morning when I was bathing. =x
Although it my bathing time but as it is quoted:

"Worship is a lifestyle"

I was literally naked in front of God as it is written as David praise and worship God naked. (even though he wasn't literally naked)

Whatever it is, this not my main point.
As this song is played in my heart, my heart just filled with the peace of God and telling me that He is the Great I am. Nail everything in my heart on the cross and worship him.
My heart just really melt and tears drop.

I believe God is trying to tell me to really submit my life onto Him.

Even for the past few days, God placed in my heart about King Solomon.
Little that I know that he is the wisest man walked on earth and naively I thought that God wants me to ask of His wisdom on how I lead the His people and deal with issues in my life.

Thanks God for bringing PP to explaining, I understood what did God actually wanted to tell me.
It just all summarized in 1 verse:

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (New International Version)

13 Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.

I had really an eventful week last week.
It was pain but I wanna submit it onto God, it's not as easy as it is typed out but I believe God will lead me there 1 day.

Thank you Lord.

